Product Sustainability Platform
Fast and cost-effective calculation of product footprints at industrial scale based on primary enterprise data.
Industry focused
Designed to handle the inherent complexity of chemical value chains and production networks.
Norm compliant
In line with ISO 14044/67 as well as the industry specific PCF-Guideline of Together for Sustainability (TfS).
Partner of the Chemical Industry
As trusted software partner of BASF, we provide a scalable solution to automate LCA in line with the recently published Product Carbon Footprint Guideline of Together for Sustainability.
Automation Scope
Entire portfolio
Modelling System
Data driven
Data Currency
Continuously updated
User Group
Cross functional
Effort per Product
Very low
Game Changer for Chemical LCA
Gathering of Scope 3 Emissions Factors
Compared to a Lifecycle Assessment Study that focuses on a single product, the scalable approach significantly increases the number of emission factors required. AllocNow provides a centralized location for iteratively adding, updating, and improving emissions data. We support companies in collecting primary emissions data from suppliers and act as reseller for leading secondary data bases EcoInvent and Carbon Minds.
Fully Automated Calculation
The calculation engine is compliant with the TfS PCF Guideline, relevant ISO Norms and based on the GHG protocol product standard and WBCSD Framework. It calculates environmental impacts for every product and intermediate of the reporting company. Automation ensures all products are handled consistently based on a transparent set of rules.
Analytics and Validation
Making use of the increased transparency requires easy access to data based on comprehensible reports. Our built-in analytics functions and reports enable users to validate results and understand how they accumulate across production steps.
Scenario Analysis
With the built-in scenario analysis tool, users can simulate the effect of changes on the environmental impact of a specific product. It is useful to validate relevance and sensibleness of various operational improvement measures.
Reporting and Communication
Environmental characteristics are becoming a key differentiator for chemical products. AllocNow supports consistent communication of results to internal and external stakeholders. Responding to customer requests is particularly cost-effective and no longer time-consuming.
Key Features
Differentiate based on primary data
Use actual data on material flows, energy or utility consumption, and emissions.
Get insights on every product globally
PCF and further LCA impact categories, compliant to TfS Guideline and ISO norms.
Strive for data-driven improvements
Analyze data and take action based on your value, purpose and business needs.
Respond to customer requests without delay
Extract comprehensive reports for internal and external stakeholders on demand.
Your Benefits
Gratify information needs of environmentally conscious customers and consumers.
Reshape the business model and product portfolio towards sustainability.
Make climate-aware procurement, technology, and innovation decisions.
Foster a sustainability-centric brand and product positioning.
Commercialize environmental footprint improvements to refinance investment needs.